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Business and Professional Russian

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Ruská a česká ekonomika.

Ekonomická integrace.

Zahraniční firmy v Rusku.

Evropská unie.

Bankovní operace.

Podnikání, akciové společnosti, firmy.

Zboží. Jakost.

Nabídka, koupě a prodej zboží.

Průmyslová politika.

Obchod komoditami.

Obchod, smlouvy.

Úřední a obchodní dopisy.


The aim of this subject is to provide students with deep knowledge of professional terminology (contrastive and translational aspect) and to secure firm communicative structures in the field of professional practice (managing the socio-economical level). The final stage of the training is the understanding of a coherent professional and journalistic text and more demanding communication on the given topic (fluent communication in a common working relationship within creating new working contacts – both business and official ones).