1. Specifika výuky RJ na střední škole.
2. Kurikulární a programové dokumenty (SERRJ, RVP, Katalog požadavků ke společné části maturitní zkoušky).
3. Vedení třídy, práce se skupinou.
4. Práce s jazykovými prostředky a rozvoj řečových dovedností na SŠ.
5. Zapojení ICT do výuky.
6. Specifika didaktických materiálů pro žáky na SŠ.
7. Motivace a aktivizace žáka.
8. Evaluace a autoevaluace.
9. Hospitace ve výuce a její reflexe.
10. Plánování, realizace a reflexe výukové jednotky.
This course examines the practical ability to apply theoretical lingvodidactic knowledge in the teaching of Russian in secondary school, as well as the student's ability to master the educational process in its broadest context. The students demonstrate the ability to use all language means to form all components of pupils' communication competence with regard to their individuality and the specifics of teaching Russian at secondary school in Czech school environment.
As part of a practice in the Russian language, the students implement their own teaching activities, perform all other activities related to the profession of a secondary school teacher, while creating their own portfolio and managing other assigned tasks. The students continuously discuss and reflect on all activities with the faculty teacher and the departamental didactics specialist, after finishing the practice there is a detailed reflection and evaluation of the whole practice process.