Témy predmetu:
Dramaterapia - vymedzenie pojmu
Význam a ciele dramatoterapie, možnosti využitia DT
Formy a prístupy v dramatoterapii
Proces v DT
Techniky a prostriedky v dramatoterapii: Neverbálne techniky; Rolová hra; Bábková a maňušková hra (loutky a maňásek);Dramatizácia; Improvizácia; Dramatická hra; Uplatnenie masiek v dramatoterapii
Divadlo Forum
The course is a continuation of the course "Therapy in SPPG I". Expressive therapy - dramatherapy will be discussed in more detail.
Emphasis will be put on linking theoretical knowledge and students' own experiences gained through practical demonstrations of dramatherapy methods and techniques.