1 Marketingová komunikace a její místo v marketingovém mixu 2 Integrovaná marketingová komunikace 3 Východiska marketingové komunikace 4 Tvorba rozpočtu, mediální plánování, hodnocení efektivnosti 5 Nástroje komunikačního mixu 6 Nové trendy v marketingové komunikaci
The course deals with the theory of marketing communication with application to the field of education. The aim is to understand the basic methods of applying various types of marketing communication to gain a competitive position in the market.
The course deals with the essence and use of individual elements of the communication mix such as advertising, sales support, personal sales, Public Relations, direct marketing and events. The content of the course is not only the characteristics of individual elements of the communication mix, but also the broader context such as the legislative environment, psychology of advertising and its impact on customers / clients in education, research and marketing communication planning, selection and use of advertising and media agencies.