Témata předmětu:- úvod do filmové historie - úvod do filmové řeči - tvorba filmu - námět - realizace - týmová práce - příprava vlastních didaktických projektů z rozličných období filmu (groteska, film noir, německý expresionizmus, neorealizmus, nová vlna...) - individuální konzultace - postprodukce - prezentace
The course combines theoretical film knowledge with practical and didactic knowledge. It is based on the original audiovisual work of art students, taking into account the aesthetics of audiovisual production.
The course goes from shooting, through the history of film, to the students' own didactic concept as potential teachers of film education. Emphasis is placed on original ideas as well as on critical thinking and the creative ability to work with the language of film.
During the course, each student will prepare their own teaching project (focused on a certain period of film history) and will also participate in the filming of a small audiovisual unit (max. 3 min. Video clip, picture poem, documentary portrait, short film) in genre and style. which the group chooses.
The course will end with a joint projection of film exercises and presentations of each student and his own didactic project with a film theme. Due to the nature of filming, teaching will take place in blocks. - introduction to film history - introduction to film speech - filmmaking - theme - realization - teamwork - preparation of own didactic projects from different periods of film (grotesque, film noir, German expressionism, neorealism, new wave ...) - individual consultations - post production - presentation.