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Contemporary Trends in Art Education

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Diskursivní pojetí výtvarné výchovy s antropologickým pojetím kultury (Marie Fulková)

2. Autonomní pojetí výtvarné výchovy - Choiced-Based Art Education /Teaching for Artistic Behavior (Katherine Douglas a  Diane Jaquit)

3. Aktuální proměna RVP ZV a G v oblasti Umění a kultura a oboru Výtvarná výchova

4. Efektivní výukové strategie ve VV


This course introduces students to the current tendencies of art education and their theoretical and research background. It presents current approaches to artworks, the process creation and their reflection in the framework of didactics of art education.

The course introduces students to the recent reconstructions of the subject and current themes of contemporary discourse of didactics of art education. The aim of the course is to enable students to orientate themselves in the dynamic field of contemporary didactics.