Sylabus předmětu
Seznámení s podmínkami a možnostmi plnění praxe;
Seznámení s koncepcí klinické školy;
Uvedení do možností přípravy a reflexe vyučovaných hodin;
Realizace souvislé praxe a náslechy hodin (prostřednictvím didaktika či jiného vyučujícího na katedře); síťování a spolupráce v pedagogickém rofesním prostředí
Evaluce praxe a sdílení zkušeností prostřednictvím kolokvia
Field Practice is composed of teaching observation and the reflection of lessons lead by the mentor of the practice at secondary schools. The students prepare their own lessons which they carry out. Didactic preparation is compiled in writing as a thematic plan including the description of interactive methods which are relevant for the selected topic and which have been used during the lesson. Didactic outcomes from the field practice must be consistent with the required knowledge, skills and competencies according to the Framework Educational Programme. The outcome is reflected with the mentor. The student processes the practice portfolio which contains both the preparation and reflection, containing both the didactic evaluation and auto evaluation. The reflection is presented and discussed in reflective seminars following the practice. The seminar offers structured feedback on the carried-out lesson outcomes of the students at continuous field practice at secondary schools and helps processing of own teaching experience. The students analyse the subject matter of individual Social Science disciplines in preparations for the lessons. They compare the stated aims to the outcomes of the students at evaluation.
The students consult the troubles when teaching individual Social Science topics.