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Ergonomy – Human Factor Engineering

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Human Factors and Ergonomics

Applied Ergonomics Journal

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

Gait & Posture

Pracovni lekarstvi

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Ergonomy - Human Factor Engineering is the discipline concerned with the development and application of human system interface technology to systems analysis design and evaluation. This technology encompasses interfaces as human-machine (hardware ergonomics), human-task (workplace ergonomics), human-environment

(human environment ergonomics) and organizational-machine (macro-ergonomics) interfaces. Practitioners are engaged in developing design specifications, guidelines, methods, and tools. They also apply human-system interface technology to ensure that working systems are compatible with the characteristics of the human who operate, maintain or otherwise interact with them. Their efforts include improving the operability, maintainability, usability, comfort, safety and health characteristics of systems to improve the human and system effectiveness and to reduce the potential of injury and error. Part of the course is also occupational health and health promotion as a part of ergonomical interventions (practical approach to specific environment, good practice examples...).

Other important issues: regulations, anthropometry, biomechanics, ergonomical design, living environment ergonomics, transportation ergonomics, occupational ergonomics, psychology, ergonomical physiology, etc.