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Human Physiology

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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1. Základní fyziologické funkce

2. Srdečně-cévní oběh

3. Dýchání a jeho regulace

4. Metabolické procesy a jejich regulace

5. Svalový systém

6. Nervový systém I.

7. Nervový systém II. Cvičení:

1. BM, PM, ventilace, kaliperace, TK


The subject acquaints students with basic physiological principles, homeostasis theory, functions of various organs and systems of the human body and their control (including circulatory, respiratory, gastrointestinal, excretory, endocrine, muscular, nervous and sensory systems, as well as metabolism and thermoregulation).

Increased attention is paid to physiological regulation and neuromuscular system, taking into account child and adolescent organism.