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Clinical Practice (Demonstration) IV

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Výuka je zejména cílena k: 1. Samostatnému vedení pacienta při vyšetření a terapii (pod vedením vyučujícího) 2.

Vedení dokumentace pacienta, zpracovávání protokolů k diagnostice a terapii 3. Praktickým ukázkám vyšetření a terapie pacientů


The course follows the course "Clinical Practice (Demonstration) III". The aim of practical training is to apply and further improve skills, as well as to deepen the knowledge gained in the teaching of subjects "Examination Methods and Basic Therapeutic Procedures I - III", "Approaches in Manual Medicine", "PNF and Motion Analysis I and II", "Developmental Kinesiology "," Practice in Clinical Devices I-VI", including all other specialized subjects I, II. and III. year.

After completing the course, students will be able to perform a comprehensive examination of a patient, set goals of therapy, propose a therapeutic plan and apply basic therapeutic methods in the field of physiotherapy, including evaluation of the effect of therapy and documentation.