1. System of provision of medical care in the Czech Republic and chosen sources of medical law.
2. Basic rights and duties of patients and medical workers (right for medical care, duty of secrecy, duty to procede lege artis, duty to keep medical documentation).
3. Chosen tasks of labor law - physical therapist as the employee, GDPR (employment contract, rights and duties of the employee, labor - law liability).
4. Chosen tasks of commercial law - physical therapist as the entrepreneur (provision of medial care as the form of entrepreneurship, various types of entrepreneurship, commercial liability, selling the business of physical therapist, tax connections).
5. Chosen tasks from civil law, in particular civil liability - physical therapist as the defendant (liability for damage, liability for interference into personal rights, regress claims of the health insurance company, physical therapist as the defendant in the court proceeding concerning damages and protection of personal rights).
6. Chosen tasks from criminal law - physical therapist as the accused - (chosen crimes, diversions in criminal proceeding, physical therapist in criminal proceeding - as the accused, as the sentenced).
7. Ethics of medical worker - Code of Ethics. Medical documentation, international and constitutional frame of provision of medical care.
The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of current legal standards in the field of health care, information on the health status of the population, especially with regard to the profession of physiotherapist profession. Students also gain knowledge about the duties and rights of patients and medical staff.
Part of the course is also issues of health education with respect to the Czech legislation.