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Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods III

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Lectures: 1.Central and peripheral regulation of movement operation 2.Meaning of muscle function changes in pathogenesis of functional joint disorders 3.Hypotonic, impaired muscles due to disorders of locomotor system 4.Basic neurological examination 5.Kinesiological analysis 6.Sensori motor stimulation method 7.Stretching - principles of various methods 8.Strengthening - principles of various methods 9.Exercise according to muscle test 10.Tests in physiotherapy - EBM / EBP 11. Neurological assessment 12. Komplex kinesiological examination

Practicals: 1. Examination of changes of muscle tone 2. Special tests in Physiotherapy I 3. Changes of muscle tone - principles of therapy 4. Special tests in Physiotherapy II 5. Fascia - diagnosis and therapy 6. Techniques influencing hypertonic and shortened muscles I (rules and application) 7. Techniques influencing hypertonic and shortened muscles II (rules and application) 8. Techniques influencing hypertonic muscles III (rules and application) 9. Neurological examination I 10. Neurological examination II 11. Examination of basic movements pattern 12. PIR techniques I 13. PIR techniques II 14. PIR techniques III 15. Sensori-motor stimulation method 16. Kinesiology examination 17. Kinesiology examination 18. -19. Application of techniques for hypotonic and weak muscles


The content of the course is diagnostic and basic therapeutic procedures applied by a physiotherapist. Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is practical mastery of so-called kinesiological analysis, ie complex diagnostics from the perspective of a physiotherapist.

Furthermore, acquiring skills in performing basic physiotherapeutic procedures with a major focus on the muscular system and so-called proprioceptive training. Teaching takes the form of lectures, but the main focus is on practical and patient demonstrations.