1. Physical regenerative means
2. General principles of application of physical regenerating agents
3. Effects and general indications of physical regenerative agents
4. Hyperemia
5. Use of heat for regeneration and reconditioning, skin and core functions
6. Total heat applications - baths: sitting bath, subacqual massage, bubble bath, carbonic bath, carbon dioxide gas bath, sulfur and iodine bath
7. Sauna and Scottish sprays
8. Local heat application: paraffin wraps
9. Local heat applications: Paraligno, Parafango Battaglia, Termofor
10. Wet and dry hot tiles
11. Peloid wraps and compresses
12. Use of general and local application of cold in regeneration and reconditioning
13. Priessnitz tiles, Tripes tiles
14. Use of application of IR and UV radiation and visible light in regeneration and reconditioning
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with basic physical regeneration methods, balneotherapy and basics of mechanotherapy and their importance in sports practice. The aim of practical exercises is to master practical skills in hydrotherapy, application of thermal procedures, phototherapy and mechanotherapy.
Theoretical bases will also include information on therapeutic physiotherapy procedures and their relationship to physical activity.