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Special Chapters from Clinical Fields

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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1-3. Aktuální trendy v diagnostických a terapeutických přístupech v neurologii, s hlavním zřetelem k práci fyzioterapeuta 4-6.

Aktuální trendy v diagnostických a terapeutických přístupech v ortopedii a traumatologii, s hlavním zřetelem k práci fyzioterapeuta 7-9. Aktuální trendy v diagnostických a terapeutických přístupech v chirurgických oborech, s hlavním zřetelem k práci fyzioterapeuta 10-14.

Vybrané kapitoly z farmakologie


The aim of the course is to extend the knowledge of clinical subjects beyond the bachelor study of physiotherapy and to introduce new trends in diagnostics and therapy of patients in the field of internal medicine, neurology, orthopedics and surgical disciplines. Teaching in the field of internal medicine is crucial in this subject and it is focused on extending the knowledge especially in the fields of internal civilization diseases and diseases of the locomotive apparatus. neurology, orthopedics and in the field of surgical subjects is focused mainly on current trends in diagnostic procedures of individual fields, which should also be informed by a physiotherapist. Attention will also be paid to news in therapeutic approaches. Part of the knowledge of clinical subjects is also the expansion of knowledge of pharmacology, which will be taught in separate blocks.

Students will get acquainted with the characteristics of the basic group of drugs and medicines that are used in medicine. Students will gain knowledge about the effects of these drugs and drugs, as well as the factors that affect their action.