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Clinical Colloquium II

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Praktická výuka pod dohledem supervizora.


Teaching of the subject follows the course "Clinical Colloquium I". The aim is to deepen theoretical knowledge and practical skills in complex work with a patient from the perspective of a physiotherapist and to gain the ability to discuss and present the results of the work in a multidisciplinary team.

During teaching at clinical workplaces of all types, students work with selected patients, carry out comprehensive assessment and analysis of their problems, then examine the functional status of their musculoskeletal system and design treatment plans applied within a specified time period, including ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of elected procedures. The experience gained from working with patients is subsequently presented and discussed at the expert forum.

Emphasis is placed on a comprehensive approach to the patient from the physiotherapist's point of view, EBP (Evidence-Based Physiotherapy) approaches and work with patient documentation.