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Základy fitness

Předmět na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu |


1.Total warm up - principles (theory and practice), theory of fitness components

2. Functional diagnostics of the loco-motor system (theory and practice), a of balance methods in fitness training (theory and practice)

3. Fitness programs -general rules for drawing up the programmes (theory), stretching - principles and methods of the joint flexibility development (theory and practice)

4. Methods of stimulating muscular strength (theory and practice)

5. Core strength training, functional strength training (theory and practice)

6. Strengthening with expanders (theory and practice), strengthening with medicine balls (theory and practice), strengthening with game balls (theory and practice)

7. Aerobic training (theory and practice) organizational forms of strengthening


The course is focused on different components of physical fitness in theoretical and practical terms and methods of their development by exercises without hand apparatus, with hand apparatus and on the tools in different organizational forms.