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Adapted basic gymnastics

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Concept of gymnastics, division of gymnastics, types of gymnastics. Historical background and development of ZG. Rhythm and rhythmization of movement. Graphical record of movement, gymnastic terminology. Principles for the development of warm-ups and movement programme for OSP. Warm-ups - examples of movement content of the partial parts of the warm-up.

2. Sequential exercises. Principles of creating warm-ups, organizational forms, application of didactic styles. Development of joint mobility. Warm-up without equipment. Mobilization and stretching exercises. Dynamic stretching without equipment.

3. Forms of gymnastic warm-up. Nomenclature of simple exercises I (postures). Muscular strength. Principles of designing strengthening and strengthening programs. Strengthening exercises.

4. Warm-up with music. Rhythmization of movement. Selection of music for ZG. Nomenclature of simple exercises II (kneeling, sit-ups, lying down). Flow exercises with music. Exercises in pairs.

5. Warm-up - application for OSP. Terminology of simple exercises III. Exercises with equipment - tennis ball. Practical presentations by students.

6. Exercises with equipment and aids - application for OSP. Gymnastic games. Exercises with equipment - bar. Practical presentations by students.

7. Fundamentals of didactics of Basic Gymnastics - construction of an exercise unit. Nomenclature - description and graphic recording of exercises in the movement program. Exercises with apparatus - jump rope. Practical presentations of students.

8. Development of warm-up and movement program for OSP - selected disabilities. Exercises with equipment - medicine ball. Practical presentations by students.

9. Creation of warm-up and movement program for OSP - selected disabilities. Physical fitness and its assessment. Maintenance and development of physical fitness. Aerobic fitness. Exercise with equipment - benches, ladders. Practical presentations by students.

10. Development of warm-up and movement programme for OSP - selected disabilities. Compensatory exercises. Principles and techniques of exercise with individuals with physical disabilities. Exercise with equipment - gymballs. Practical presentations by students.

11. Developing a warm-up and movement program for OSP - selected disabilities. Exercise with equipment - expanders. Practical presentations by students.

12. Creation of warm-up and movement program for OSP - selected disabilities. Motor-functional preparation, Core training. Stimulation of coordination skills. Practical presentations by students.

13. Development of warm-up and movement program for OSP - selected disabilities. Wellness, fitness. Physical fitness testing - Jacík's test, flexibility tests. Practical presentations by students.

14. Practical presentations by students. Fulfilling study obligations.


Course content Basic gymnastics (ZG) leads the student to understand the meaning of movement for a person, to improve his movement literacy through the acquisition of conscious controlled movements of the body and its parts. Deliberate practice of gymnastic exercises without equipment ("simple"), with equipment and on ZG tools, their purpose and effect, influence the level of individual components of health-oriented physical fitness. At the same time, he acquires the skill to use professional terminology - gymnastic nomenclature and learns to record movements graphically. During teaching, emphasis is placed on the correct, individually optimal performance of the movement task for OSP.

The result is the ability to comprehensively create individualized gymnastics programs, especially "warm-ups".