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Czech Studies

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The choice of the means of language and vocabulary to be taught was done with respect to their practical use in standard situations.

Content of lessons

- Pronunciation

- Basic phrases and greetings

- Grammatical gender of nouns, conjunction adjective + noun

- Derivation of feminine forms from masculine nouns

- Geographical names (countries, inhabitants and languages names)

- The verbs „to be“, „to have“, „to do”, „to study”, „to be called” („být“, „mít“, „dělat“, „studovat“, „jmenovat se “)

- Personal and possessive pronouns - „my” „my”, „your”

- Interrogative words - forming questions and short answers

- Cardinal numbers


The Czech Language Course for students of the international programme ERASMUS+ usually consists of 13 lessons, each lasting 90 minutes. The number of lessons is determined by the academic year calendar. The course is opened both in the winter and summer semesters, as long as at least 8 students enroll.

The lessons are mainly focused on introducing the realities of life in the Czech Republic, it's rich culture, history, Charles University or Prague and it's architectural heritage. Students will also learn about phenomena such as Czech sports or Czech pubs and should acquire the basic vocabulary necessary to order beer and traditional Bohemian "svíčková“ (beef sirloin).