1. Introduction to the study of the history of physical culture. Education and physical culture of the old civilizations. Education and physical culture in ancient Greece.
2. Sport in antiquity and panhellenic games and Rome. Education and physical education in feudalism and renaissance.
3. Early bourgeois directions of sport, education and physical culture. Blood sport.
4. The systems of physical education of the 19th and 20th century. Women, physical education and sport.
5. Origin and development of modern sport and Olympic movement.
6. Origin and development of physical education in schools.
7. Physical culture and physical education in India, China and Japan. * Seminars
1. Historical sources, libraries, bibliography.
2. Celebrations of ancient civilizations.
3. Ancient Greek athletics and Roman gladiators.
4. Christianity and physical culture.
5. English sport and first attempts to renew OG.
6. Sokol.
7. Origin and development of martial arts.
The course deals with the development of various forms of physical culture - the main personas, contents and relations within the society from the beginning of the humankind to present times.