1. Introduction to testing and measurement - the nature and importance of testing and measurement, the objectives of measurement, testing and evaluation. Areas of human motor expression testing.
2. Testing theory - classical model of testing theory, definition of variables (dependent and independent variable), operationalization of variables (theoretical concept). Diagnostic properties of test and batteries, definition of diagnostic properties of test (validity, reliability, objectivity, difficulty, length, time, homogeneity, consistency), descriptive statistics and data distribution.
3. Basic descriptive statistics; measures of position of results on a scale (measures of central tendency), measures of variability of results - variance and standard deviation, norms, norming of results (percentiles, z-scores, T-scores), correlation and prediction, correlation coefficient, definition, calculation, use, prediction (predictor and predicted), simple linear regression.
4. Theoretical foundations of fitness testing and physical activity for population groups (children, youth, adults, seniors, medically compromised). Health-oriented fitness - performance-oriented fitness.
5. Diagnosis of static states and dynamic expressions of the human body, position and movement of the human body, internal state and external expression.
6. Diagnostics of aerobic fitness, characteristics, principles and options, field testing and laboratory testing, types of tests, test descriptions, norms and applicability.
7. Body composition diagnostics, characteristics, principles and possibilities, physiological basis of measurement, types of tests, principles of diagnostics, advantages and limits of used methodologies, two and more component model of body composition, segmental fluid distribution.
8. Diagnoses of muscle strength expression, characteristics, principles and possibilities, physiological basis of measurement of strength characteristics, field testing, laboratory testing, types of tests, description of tests, normative and applicability.
9. Diagnostics of anaerobic characteristics, characteristics, principles and possibilities, physiological characteristics of measuring anaerobic muscle activity, types of tests, principles of diagnosis, advantages and limitations of diagnosing speed performance, field diagnostic procedures, laboratory diagnostic procedures.
10. Diagnostics of anaerobic characteristics II, characteristics, principles and possibilities, physiological characteristics of measuring anaerobic lactate muscle activity, types of tests, principles of diagnosis, advantages and limits of diagnosing speed endurance, intermittent high-intensity physical activity and short-term endurance, field diagnostic procedures, laboratory diagnostic procedures.
11. Diagnosis of other components of physical fitness (flexibility, reactivity, aptitude), characteristics, principles and possibilities of measurement and evaluation.
12. Diagnostics of movement skills, characteristics, principles and possibilities of diagnostics, theoretical basis of diagnostics, field diagnostics, laboratory diagnostics,
13. Diagnosis and evaluation of human kinematics, kinematic analysis, individual and group measurement and evaluation procedures. Objectification of basic human movement activities.
14. Principles of diagnostics of movement prerequisites and movement activities in individual population groups (children, youth, adults, seniors, the disabled), the meaning, specifics and possibilities of diagnostics (Fitness gram, activity gram, Eurofit test...), possibilities of implementation of diagnostic procedures in the movement regime of selected groups.
Teoretický základ pro sofistikovaný přístup k diagnostice a objektivizaci lidského těla a lidského pohybu. Součástí je teorie testování, jak v rovině obecné, tak především v aplikačním pojetí k t ělesné funkčnosti a tělesné zdatnosti.
Součástí jsou oblasti přístupu k hodnocení a evaluaci lidského těla z pohledu morfologického, z pohledu statického jako hodnocení postury a posturální stability. Další součástí je oblast dynamická, kde se pohybová oblast hodnotí kinematikou a inverzní dynamikou. Další oblastí je pak rozdělení diagnostiky a testování na část laboratorní a terénní včetně konkrétních standardizovaných testů.