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Sport Management and Integrity

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The course is accredited by Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz. Course leaders: Prof Holger Preuss (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz), Dr. Mathias Schubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz).

This module deals with the often conflicting primacy of economic efficiency and win-maximisation on the one hand and ethical decision-making on the other. Against this background, the module illuminates significant ethical challenges that various actors in the management of sport face while trying to achieve their core missions and objectives. The concept of good governance as well as the range of policy measures which can be utilised to successfully address such challenges under institutional constraints will be outlined, as well as the political and commercial consequences of failing to respond to them.

This module aims to present to students the core missions and objectives of sports organisations and governing bodies and the range of ethical challenges they face in practice while trying to achieve these. Policy measures which can be utilised to successfully address ethical issues in the management decision processes will be critically assessed.