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Výzkum ve sportovní specializaci - plavecké sporty

Předmět na Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu |



1. Development of scientific research in the area of swimming - historical view, profile topics

2. Research in the Czech Republic - historical introduction, current topics

3. BMS Congresses

4. Research methods for diagnostics of swimming technique

5. Functional examination and field tests to check the state of training

6. Kinematic analysis of swimming technique (Dartfish)

7. Presentation of students Exercises:

1. Videoanalysis of swimming technique - flum

2. Videoanalysis of swimming equipment - swimming pool 25 m

3. Observation during functional examination - interpretation of the record

4. Swimming tests in water to detect ANP

5. Swimming tests in water for muscle strength

6. Biokinetics

7. Interventions for the development of swimming technique


The course extends the theoretical background and professional skills of students of sports specialization swimming sports in the field of swimming techniqu, didactics and sports training.