Lecture topics:• Olympism - Olympics - Olympic pedagogy• Olympic ideals: Kalokagathie, fair play spirit, Ekecherie ideal• Historical reflection of Olympism• Personalities of Olympism (Pierre de Coubertin, Jiri Stanislav Guth-Jarkovsky)• Organization of the Olympic Movement (IOC, NOCs, ANOK, MOA)• Olympic symbols and ceremonies• Olympic Education - European Sport Charter - Code of Sport Ethics, Olympic Charter• Olympic education - an integral part of educational programs at Czech primary and secondary schools?• Olympic principles and values: terminal - instrumental, desirable - real, interiorization of values of attitudes and beliefs• Sport, Olympism, Nationalism and Patriotism• Projects and concepts reflecting the impact of the economy and politics in Olympic sport, aimed at suppressing doping in sport and showing the social overlap and impact of sport• Olympic education in an international context (projects and applications); pedagogical concepts in Olympic education in the preparation of teachers and trainers in the Czech Republic (pedagogical and didactic applications)• Czech Olympic Committee and Czech Olympic Academy activities in the area of education and training and their use in practice at primary and secondary schools or youth sports teams. Evaluation of Olympic education; research in Olympic education.• Olympic parks (festivals), volunteering
The subject Olympic Education supports the identification and dissemination of the Olympic knowledge, ideas and values of the Olympics into the consciousness and behavior of people. Students will gain a deeper knowledge of the history and organization of the Olympic Movement and will be able to actively and knowledgeably discuss past and present problems in the field of Olympic sports and sports in general.
They will be encouraged, in accordance with humanistic ideas and values of Olympics, to motivate their future wards to actively participate in sport and self-realization in physical activity. They will be acquainted with projects and concepts of Olympic education, but will also be led to create their own concepts and methodical materials usable in school and sports practice.
Olympic education in children and youth is perceived and conceived across subjects, across competences to achieve personal development, for which sport and physical activity are a means.