1. Psyche and society
2. Socialization, social environment as a developmental factor
3. Small social groups
4. Social position, norms, roles
5. Attitudes, attitude change, conflicts
6. Social perception, communication
7. Group behavior
8. Psychology of movement
9. Psychological analysis of sport activities
10. Cognitive functions in sports
11. Personality, development of personality in sport contexts
12. Emotion, motivation, sport activity
13. Social interaction, social facilitation in physical activity and exercise
14. Agression in sports, sport spectators, doping Seminars:
1. Methodology of sport psychology
2. Measuring attitudes in sport
3. Assessing group dynamics - sociometry
4. Performance anxiety, anxiety regulation in sport, relaxation techniques
5. Imagination in sport
6. Attention, concentration, measuring attention in sport
7. Health psychology and sport, well-being and exercise
In the course, students get acquainted with two areas of psychology including social dimension of personality and psychological aspects of physical activity and exercise. Students will learn to apply psychological and social-psychological theories and concepts in their approach to physical activity and movement.