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Theory and Basics of Didactics of Sport Games

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Theoretical lectures : 1st Key concepts and history of SG. Content of match, systematics of SG and graphic markings. 2nd Theories of individual and team game performance. 3th Teaching and learning of the game skills - basic concepts. 4th Didactic forms of teaching / training games. 5th Teaching methods in teaching / training games. 6th Application of teaching styles in teaching / training games.

Practical exercises: 1 / Basics of diagnostics in batting sports games, application of softball to players at the beginner's performance level (softball); 2 / Specifics of teaching softball (batting sports games) in school PE (softball); 3 / Basics of diagnostics in goal sports games, matches as the main diagnostic source for the creation of the didactic system of the curriculum (football); 4 / Specifics of teaching football in school PE (football); 5 / Creating conditions for learning game skills - application and example of didactic method in the criteria of parts and the whole curriculum (game activities) (basketball); 6 / / On the possibilities of organizing and implementing the competition - tournaments on school PE (on the example of basketball), (basketball). 7 / Creating conditions for learning game skills - application and example of didactic method in the criteria of concentration and distribution of curriculum (game activities) (floorball); 8 / Specifics of teaching floorball in school PE (floorball); 9 / Application and importance of didactic styles - taking into account the possibilities of school PE (handball); 10 / Specifics of handball teaching in school PE (handball); 11 / Basics of diagnostics in network sports games, application of volleyball for players at the beginner's performance level (volleyball); 12 / Specifics of volleyball teaching in school PE (volleyball);


ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ,J., TÁBORSKÝ, F., KAPLAN,O., BUZEK,M. Selected terms of sport games theory. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologia., 1996, Vol. 32, I, p. 57-62

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An overview of basic concepts and knowledge in the field of theory and didactics of sports games, focusing primarily on school physical education and various forms of recreational activities.