1. Fatigue;
2. Underecovery, overtraining
3. Passive and active recovery
4. Thermal recovery strategies;
5. Compression, stretching, electrostimulation, vibration;
6. Nutrition and hydratation
7) Environmental effects Practical exercises. 1-7. Monitoring different recovery strátegies.
The course acquaints students with current knowledge of recovery optimization in sport. Different types of fatigue in relation to sport performance are defined.
Delayed onset of muscle soreness, underrecovery and overtraining are discussed. Furthermore, current recovery methods are critically evaluated (passive methods, active forms of recovery, cryotherapy, electrostimulation, nutritional supplements and nutritional strategies, compression sleeves, massages, ..).
During practical lessons, students will learn how to apply recovery methods and evaluate their effectiveness. Students should be able to explain the physiological principles of individual recovery methods and apply the chosen methods in their sport.