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Combat Sports

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Sylabus:

1. History and characteristics of martial arts.

2. Basic stances, grapping an opponent and falling techniques.

3. Falling techniques.

4. The flexibility improvement in martial arts.

5. Basic strike techniques, basic defensive techniques.

6. Kicks and dodges in training.

7. Basic techniques of aikido - ikkyo, nikyo.

8. Basic techniques of aikido - sankkyo, kote-gaeshi.

9. Basic movement in judo.

10. Basic techniques from judo - nage waza

11. Basic techniques from judo - osae komi waza

12. Basic techniques from judo - kansecu waza and shime waza

13. Self-defence.

14. Basics form of karate and sport karate.

15. Grappling skills.

16. Self-defence against knife using aikido.

17. Advanced aikido.

18. Advanced judo.

19. Advanced grappling and MMA.

20. Theory - history and evolution.

21. Theory - rules.


The history of martial arts, martial arts mastery of basic techniques with a focus on sports, karate, aikido and judo.