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Combat Sports for Conditioning

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Lectured themes:

The Significance of Combar sports and Conditioning Development

Combat sports and Their Benefits in Conditioning Training

Breakfall Training and Preparatory Exercises Without a Partner

Training Against an Opponent's Resistance - Basic Ground Grappling Techniques

Training Against an Opponent's Resistance - Basic Standing Grappling Techniques

Training Against an Opponent's Resistance - Group Exercises

Training Against an Opponent's Resistance - Using Equipment in Conditioning Preparation

Coordination and Agility Development through Breakfall Preparatory Exercises


Students are introduced to fundamental grappling skills utilized in the field of conditioning training for both team and individual sports. They will acquire theoretical knowledge that enables them to justify the importance of incorporating grappling exercises into physical activities.

The course provides a systematically organized repertoire of grappling exercises and games aimed at enhancing general and specific fitness. Finally, students lead didactic outputs that are reflected upon by participating students.