1. Úvod do předmětu, oboru, etymologické souvislosti, základní pojmy, historie péče o zdravotně postižené,
2. Mezinárodní klasifikace funkčních schopností (ICF, MKF), diagnostika v procesu ucelené rehabilitace
3. Léčebná rehabilitace a její složky
4. Pracovní rehabilitace
5. Sociální rehabilitace
6. Pedagogická rehabilitace
The course systematically acquaints students with the issue of comprehensive rehabilitation. Introduces the basic methods, procedures and concepts of medical rehabilitation.
He will also focus on procedures and forms in social, occupational and pedagogical rehabilitation. Students should gain an overview of the breadth of this issue so that they can better apply themselves in the process of comprehensive rehabilitation (eg as providers of physical education activities for people with special needs) and effectively cooperate with other entities.