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Organisation of outdoor Adventure Course

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Semináře před kurzem:

1. Základní informace o předmětu. Volba termínu a místa akce. Volba klientů se specifickými potřebami, pro které bude kurz uspořádán.

2. Plánování obsahu kurzu. Rozpočet. Žádosti nadačním fondům, hledání sponzorů. Propagace akce.

3. Příprava pomůcek. Rozdělení funkcí. 5denní kurz: Outdoorový kurz (turistika, cyklistika, vodní sporty) v ČR nebo v zahraničí. Cílem kurzu je zprostředkovat zážitky z putování přírodou účastníkům se zdravotním postižením a poukázat na možnosti trávení volného času skrze integraci do intaktní společnosti. Seminář po kurzu:

4. Evaluace. Ekonomická uzávěrka. Propagace akce.


In this course, students take responsibility in planning, implementing and evaluating a sporting residential event with people with special needs. The instructor leads and directs students' decisions, where appropriate, and helps develop the financial strategy, budget, and program for the event.

After completing an outdoor course focused on working with clients with special needs, students will have acquired certain skills and knowledge that will enable them to work effectively and safely with this specific clientele outside of their comfort zone in an outdoor setting on a summer or winter expedition.

Course Graduate:

- Is able to conduct an assessment and analysis of the abilities of clients with specific needs to determine their individual needs. In this way, he/she can plan appropriate outdoor activities to match the abilities of clients.

- Clearly defines safety precautions and first aid principles specific to working with clients with specific needs in an outdoor environment.

- Is knowledgeable in adapting the environment and equipment for clients with specific needs to ensure their safety and comfort during outdoor (winter or summer) activities. This may include using special equipment or modifying the environment to meet individual client needs.

-Able to work as part of a team and collaborate with other professionals such as outdoor activity instructors, therapists or physicians. Teamwork is key to providing comprehensive care and safety for clients with special needs