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Basic Methods for Research and Social Analysis

Předmět na Evangelická teologická fakulta |

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Description of the Study Unit:

The aims of the study unit are that the student:

- is familiar with the basic concepts used in sociological research

- Is familiar with the basic approaches to social research for professional workers

- Is familiar with qualitative approaches to social phenomena

- Is able to undertake basic social analysis

- Is able to develop critical knowledge of a local situation

- Is familiar with different sociological and community social work approaches to community and can relate them to specific contexts

- Is able to discern the relationship between spirituality, religion and community

- Is able to analyse the role of religion in personal and professional life

- Is able to evaluate the role of religion in community and in public life in different contexts

- Is competent in the use of English in academic work

The contents of the study unit includes:

- Research and development related to professional work

- Overview of social research methods

- Ethnography and qualitative research

- Methodology of social analysis

- Practice of social research

- Local community profiling theory and practice

- Sociological and community social work approaches to community

- Sociological approaches to religion and spirituality

- Role of religion in personal, professional and public life

Process of the Study Unit

Week One

Mag. Tony Addy (Responsible teacher) 0.5cr

Introduction to Semester

Mag. Mark Birinyi

Sociological understandings of community;

Introduction to the importance of understanding the factor of spirituality and religion as elements of identity related to diverse communities in new European contexts

Dr. Elsa Keskitalo & Dr. Ari Niemien 0.5cr

Research Methods: Introduction to research, diversity of methods, need to use appropriate methiods and focus on qualitative research methods

Introduction to the small scale field research project

Development of a research plan

Working with students on the research plan

Weeks Two to Four 3.5cr

Mag. Tony Addy (Responsible teacher)

Student work on research plan in the context of the placement (a further way to analyze the placement environment)

Students may work singly or in pairs in the same context or if working on the same issue in different contexts

Guiding by the responsible teacher in liaison with the placement supervisor

Mag. Tony Addy (Responsible Teacher) and Mag. Lauri Uljas 0.5cr

Research plan presentations and evaluation 30 minutes per student or pair in two groups

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