Description of the Study Unit:
The aims of the study unit are that the student:
- is familiar with the structures, policies and practices which maintain racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination based on identity or disability
- is familiar with and can implement the use of the human rights approach as a basic tool for tackling racism and other forms of discrimination
- has a critical appreciation of the legislative approach and the use of public policy to tackle racism and other forms of discrimination in different national and international contexts
- is familiar with the anti discrimination law in the Czech Republic and one other/the student’s own country
- knows the factors and issues surrounding migration and the specific issues faced by so called sending and receiving countries
- is familiar the issues surrounding refugee movements and policies
The contents of the study unit include:
- Structures, polices and practice which maintain racism and discrimination
- Human rights approaches to dealing with racism and discrimination
- Migration and related policies
- Refugee issues and related policies
- Legislation in the field of racism and discrimination (national, EU)
- Overview of UN, Council of Europe, IOM and other organisations in the field
Process of the Study Unit
Preparatory assignment – updating the self biography from the perspective of diversity; compulsory reading 1 cr.
Week 1
Discussion of the preparatory self biography assignment (“own roots”). Perspectives on children ’s and women’s rights. 0,66 cr.
Week 2-3
(i) Reading one of the following books (1 cr. including exam)
- Adams, R., Dominelli, L. & Payne, M. 2002. Social Work Themes Issues and Critical Debates. 2nd edn., Palgrave
Macmillan. Chapters: 1, 8, 20, 21.
- Francis S. Adeney & Arvind Sharma (ed.) Christianity and Human Rights. Influences and Issues
- Jim Ife: Social Work and Human Rights.
(ii) Assignment on human rights and religious and cultural diversity including compulsory participation to chat on
Fronter concerning the assignment. 1 cr.
Week 7:
Exam concerning the reading of the weeks 2-3
Week 9
Assignment: the national and EU laws and legislation in the field of racism and discrimination, anti-discrimination law and legislation (individual work and group work) including the video clip about European policy on Migration 1 cr.
Week 13
Group work on the assignment concerning the law and legislation
Placement based reflection on issues raised 0,33 cr.