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Migration, Integration, Identity and Christian Faith

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Provisional programme:

The seminar will take place in the lecture room E, 3rd floor

Friday 20 November 18.00 Informal meeting of participants, small refreshment (coffee, tea, pizza etc.) 20.00 Film

Saturday 21 November 09.15 Morning Prayer and Welcome 09.45 Presentation: Prof. Dr. Klaus Fitschen: “Turning Wine into Water? 10.45 Coffee and Tea Break 11.15 Presentation 12.30 Lunch in restaurant 14.00 Workshop with Prof. Dr. Klaus Fitschen 15.00 Walk 18.00 Annual Meeting of the Association 19.00 Social evening and dinner and in restaurant

Sunday 22 November 10.30 Sunday service in the German speaking congregation in Prague in St Martin’s Church (Martinská street, Prague 1)


A seminar on the (un?)intended secular impact of the Reformation on European societies in past and present.

Date: 20-22 November 2015