1. Věřím: Krédo 1935,1943,1947. 2. V Boha Otce: Krédo 1935,1943,1947. 3. V Ježíše Krista: Krédo 1935,1943,1947. 4. V Ducha svatého: Krédo 1935,1943,1947. 5. Církev-Amen: Krédo 1935, 1943, 1947.
Může se stát, že přednáška začne poněkud později v LS (bude-li třeba dokončit RET 40093).
ZS 2013-2014 0. Definice, pojmy, komentář k literatuře 1. Christologie Nového zákona 2. Christologie mladé církve 3. Christologie středověké církve 4. Christologie reformace 5. Christologie protestantské ortodoxie 6. Christologie/jezuologie osvícenství a pietismu.
K. Barth (1886-1968), the most influential theologian of 20th century, i.a. the author of three totally different interpretations of The Epistle to the Romans and three, of each other independent, big Dogmatics-books, interpreted skillful The Apostle Creed three times: First time 1935 in Utrecht, the political undertone of assertive formulations is a mobilization of resistance of Protestants against Nazism.
Second course of 1940-1943 has the features of relaxed improvisation. Barth spoke to Swiss reformed ministers in French and the base of his interpretation was Genevan Catechism of J.
Calvin. Third course Barth held 1946 as visiting lecturer in Bonn and it has a clear political context again: Denazification of Germany.
His lectures, held off-hand, were as book designated too with term "Dogmatics": and as "little Dogmatics" they went into the world. It has been the most read and most translated text of K.
Barth ever.