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Philosophy Seminar

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |

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Texty čtené v semináři

- řečovost: čes. I,331-348 = něm. I,387-409 (361-382)

- pravda: čes. I,412-415 = něm. I,490-494 (462-465)

- kruh rozumění: čes. II,55-61 = něm. II,57-65 (č. 5)

- text a interpretace: čes. II,272-300 = něm. II,330-360 (č. 24)


Second-block philosophy seminar: Work with philosophical source texts or discussion of a particular theme, having regard for both tradition and contemporary discussion. Emphasis is laid on independent and creative work with the issues involved.

Evaluation: seminar presentations and a more in-depth written seminar work.