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Literature and Historical Context of the Old Testament

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |


An introductory course devoted to literary aspects of the Old Testament. It examines the circumstances in which the

Old Testament originated, covering the hypothetical sections passed down orally and recorded in writing, the composition of these sections, and the groups whose interests are expressed by them. It considers the genres used in the Old Testament, taking into account their social context, parallels in contemporary literature, and their function in the canonical form. It provides an introduction to the rules for textual criticism that are essential for the exegesis of texts.

The subject is structured as follows:

• Categories of literary theory

• History of the historical-critical study of the Bible

• Sources of the different sections and theories about their origins (Pentateuch, Hexateuch, Eneateuch)

• Biblical genres and their Sitz im Leben

• Deliberate plurality: aspects of redaction, composition, and function of the canon

• Literary introduction to the individual groups of biblical books

• Manuscripts, variants: basic rules for textual criticism of the Bible and issues relating to it