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Seminar in Theological Ethics 1

Class at Protestant Theological Faculty |

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Rozpis kapitol 14. 2

úvodní hodina  21. 2. kapitola I. (Jesus Began to Proclaim /The Reign of God/), s. 3-20 28. 2. kapitola II. (Blessed are You /Virtues of Kingdom People/), s. 21-42 6. 3. kapitola III. (Law And Prophets/Authority and Scripture), s. 43-63 13. 3. kapitola IV. (Moral Structure in the World /The Form and Function of Moral Norms/), s. 64-85 20. 3. kapitola V. (Doing, Not Dualism /The Transforming Initiatives of the Sermont on the Mount/), s. 86-106 10. 4. kapitola VI. (The Greatest Commandment /Love/), s. 107-125 17. 4. kapitola VII. (Weightier Matters of the Law /Justice/), s. 126-148 24. 4. kapitola VIII. (So Much Value /The Sacredness of Life/), s. 149-168 15. 5. kapitola IX. (Extracting Logs, Examining Fruits /Learning to Be Faithful/), s. 169-189 22. 5.   kapitola? (Core Moral Issue)  


The aim of the course is to acquaint participants with a major aspect or concept in theological ethics and stimulate their ability to work independently and critically with the sources and the literature. The specific theme chosen varies from year to year.