3. 4. Webinar Fundamentals of knowledge and technology transfer 10. 4. Webinar Protection of intellectual property 18. 4. Webinar Business model. Business plan. Spin-off. 24. 4. Home work Preparation of own Lean Canvas 2. 5. Webinar Communication Skills 9. 5. Webinar Team and Time Management 15. 5. Webinar Project management
You can find detailed timetable here: https://cunicz-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/13680275_cuni_cz/EesqsvE8GSZBrTnxObNhLLABhMlqwnzGvIxyCRYWwC5kHA.
Are you scientist or researcher? Do you want to know how to sell result of your research? Do you want to create a business from your invention? Do you want to improve your managerial skills?
The aim of this subject is answering basic questions regarding knowledge and technology transfer. After completion of this subject you will know:
• what does knowledge and technology transfer means;
• what are my duties and rights when I invite something new;
• why is it better to keep my invention in secret and patent it rather then publicate it;
• how I realize that my invention has commercial potential?