Anthropology of Law
- syllabus
Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague contact:
Readings for lectures:
Summer term
Tuesday 15:30 - 16:50Y5022 (Room 5022, 5th floor)
Jinonice - building B, U Kříže 8, Praha 5
Notification for Summer term 2016:
The course schedule ad readings will be modified. The final exam will be held already on 19 April.The readings will be modified accordingly.
Lecturer: Tomáš Ledvinka
First week
Max Gluckmann, Mystical disturbance and ritual adjustment, 1965
Second week
Clifford Geertz, Fact and law in comparative perspective, 1983
Third week
Bruno Latour, The constitution, 1993
Fourth week
Leopold Pospíšil, Kapauku Papuans and their law, 1958
Fifth week
Jerome Offner, The Political and Legal Dynamics of Aztec Texcoco, 1983
Sixth week
Rebecca French, The cosmology of law, 1995
Seventh week
Annalise Riles, Anthropology, Human Rights, and Legal Knowledge: Culture in the Iron Cage, 2006
Eight week
Karl Llewellyn, Law and Civilisation, 1930
Student presentations I.
Ninth week
Laura Nader, Crime as a Category, Domestic and Globalized, 2003
Tenth week
Leopold Pospíšil, Attributes of law, 1971
Eleventh week
Paul Bohannan, The differing realms of the law, 1967
Twelfth week
Mateusz P ękala, Mateusz Stępień, The Relationship Between Law and Magic - Preliminary Remarks, 2012
Thirteenth week
Bronislaw Malinowski, Crime and Custom in Savage Society,1926
Fourteenth week
Student presentations II.
Anthropology of law is a social science that examines law and understands law in a unique way. Law is not the written laws for the anthropology of law, those laws are only sources of law. Law is primarily a social action which has certain attributes and which produces rules that dictate how people must behave. Law is therefore seen as the most important part of any culture.
Y5022 (Room 5022, 5th floor) Jinonice - building B, U Kříže 8, Praha 5 schedule for the room
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