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Introduction to Anthropology - Seminar

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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1. Antropologie jako vědecká disciplína a její metody2. Sociální struktura a organizace3. Výroba, technologie a systémy směny4. Příbuzenství a původ5. Manželství a aliance6. Gender7. Náboženství8. Hierarchie, politika a moc9. Způsoby myšlení10. Etnicita11. Politiky identit12. Globalizace Povinná literatura:Spradley, James P., a David W. McCurdy, ed. Conformity and conflict: readings in cultural anthropology. 14th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson,

2012.Boyd, Colleen E., a Luke E. Lassiter, ed. Explorations in cultural anthropology. A reader. Lanham,: AltaMira Press,

2011.Doporučená literatura:Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. Sociální a kulturní antropologie: příbuzenství, národnostní příslušnost, rituál. Vyd.

1. Praha: Portál,

2008.Murphy, Robert F. Úvod do kulturní a sociální antropologie. Vyd.

1. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství,

1998.Kottak, Conrad Phillip. Cultural anthropology: appreciating human diversity. 15th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,



The seminary is aimed at first-year students who plan to further specialize in socio-cultural anthropology. Following the lectures of Introduction to anthropology (YBZB40000) it will extends and deepens issues cover by the lectures while considering contemporary trends and theoretical and paradigmatic basis of socio-cultural anthropology.

The aim of the seminary is to enable students with an interest in socio-cultural anthropology to extend their critical knowledge of fundamental concepts of this academic discipline and to provide them with the basis for further development of anthropological thinking in other specialized courses (as the ground for eventual bachelor thesis).