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Diploma Seminar in History I

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


* Mandatory: GALGANO, M. J. - ARNDT, J. C. - HYSER, R. M., Doing History. Research and Writing in the Digital Age, Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008. ECO, U., How to Write a Thesis. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015. * Recommended: BLOCH, M. The Historianʼs Craft, New York: Knopf, 1953. DONNELLY, M. - NORTON, C., Doing History, London - New York: Routledge, 2011.

Examples of Useful History Sources and History Records Search Engines: early printed books online

EMLO – Early Modern Letters Online:

History Sourcebooks:


Weekly schedule:

1) The Past is a Foreign Country

2) Choosing a topic

3) Research methods

4) Primary sources: Written Records

5) Primary sources: Visual Material

6) Secondary sources

7) Journal databases

8) Preparing bibliography

9) Citational practices

10) Avoiding plagiarism

11) Thesis structure and work plan

12) Writing process

13) Formatting the thesis