The teaching method is face-to-face (divided into six blocks), with the possibility of hybrid or distance learning during anti-epidemic measures. No prior knowledge in the field is required. The course is designed for both consecutive master's and bachelor's studies. The subject is interdisciplinary, intertwining historical, philosophical, ethical, social, cultural, and anthropological perspectives.
Block I: When does war start and end? And is it even important?
Introduction to the subject - the concept of IHL in historical, philosophical, and religious contexts (views of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.)
The distinction between ius ad bellum vs. ius in bello (the right to war vs. the law in war)
International and national mandates
Humanitarian aid vs. humanitarian intervention
Distinguishing between international and non-international armed conflicts
What is the role of civil society when war breaks out? How do the rules of ordinary life change?
The role of the UN and regional organizations (NATO and EU), the role of the International Red Cross, and the role of (international) non-governmental organizations
The concept and typology of armed conflicts
The concept of four generations of wars
When does a war start? How to evaluate unrest and violence? What is the war on terrorism?
Contemporary armed conflicts and their specifics
How does international human rights law relate to wars?
Multidisciplinary overlaps of IHL: anthropology of armed conflicts, gender issues, and stereotypes related to wars
Block II: What can and can't soldiers do in combat?
Geneva Conventions: how and whom they protect. Hague Conventions: how they determine the rules of combat.
Civil society and its ability to enforce changes in the means and methods of warfare.
Who is fighting whom? Who are combatants, insurgents, armed groups? What is the so-called privatization of wars?
What is and what is not self-defense? Is it possible to fight by any means?
Before someone pulls the trigger: are there any rules and limits?
What is deception and what is perfidious action?
Can any weapons be used for the purposes of victory?
Are modern means of warfare considered? Are drones, autonomous weapon systems, artificial intelligence, or cyber warfare regulated?
Block III: Civilians under fire.
Civilians (increasingly) on the battlefield.
Is it possible to encircle and starve a city full of civilians?
How must civilians adapt to life in war?
What are the psychological impacts on civilians affected by long-term conflicts?
Who is responsible for the suffering of civilians?
Do civilians in combat zones have any protection?
Why is terminology in the field of refugeehood often misused? Who is a war refugee?
What is the role of medics? Do they enjoy special protection? How is the security of medics ensured?
How do so-called underground hospitals emerge in combat zones, and why can healthcare become a "weapon"?
Block IV: Humanity live. The role of non-governmental organizations.
Protection of victims of armed conflict
Wounded, sick, and shipwrecked
Prisoners of war
Civilian population
Specially protected categories of persons
How are civilians protected by the Geneva Conventions and international law in general?
What is the role of organizations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and others in increasing the protection of civilians in war?
How humanitarian corridors are established.
What must the leader of a humanitarian convoy know, what not to forget, how to get through military checks.
What is and what is no longer humanitarian aid. According to what criteria is humanitarian aid distributed?
Block V: When fog descends on the battlefield.
Who is a fighter, who is a killer?
How do volunteers easily become targets? Why is it important to know what limits and challenges war poses to civil society?
What about terrorists in war? Can every enemy be labeled a terrorist?
Is the so-called Islamic State a fighting party? Does it have any rights and obligations?
Who is a foreign fighter and who is a mercenary? Who fights for ideals and who for money?
What changes when civilians join the fights? What are human shields?
Is it possible to penetrate among non-governmental armed fighters and start explaining the rules of IHL? What does such training look like in the midst of battle?
Block VI: Who is guilty and who is innocent?
Responsibility in IHL. When does the state answer? When does the commander? And when the "jungle fighters"?
How can civil society (and the civic sector) contribute to the uncovering of war crimes, to the collection of evidence?
Is it possible to punish child soldiers?
Are sexual crimes in war investigated?
Must a soldier always obey the order of his commander?
War crimes and their prosecution. Is it possible to avoid prosecution?
International criminal tribunals (ICTY, ICTR, ICC). Will they punish every crime that occurs in war?
Course completion requirements:
Active participation in lectures
Final colloquium
Required reading:
International Commitee of the Red Cross. International Humanitarian Law. Answers to your questions. Prague,
Současné ozbrojené konflikty stále více přitahují pozornost veřejnosti, a to zejména z pohledu bezpečnostního. My se však na války a válčení podíváme očima těch, kteř í při nich strádají nejvíce a bude nás zajímat před jakými výzvami stojíme v souvislosti s moderními konflikty a ochranou jejich obětí.
Mezinárodní humanitární právo (MHP; synonyma jsou "válečné právo", "právo ozbrojeného konfliktu") je jednou z cest, která nám ukáže, že následky válčení je možné zmírnit nejen na bojišti samotném, ale i mimo něj. Porozumění pravidlům válek je proto základním předpokladem, jak přispět k tzv. humanizaci válek.
MHP je dnes stále častěji skloňováno v médiích, v odborných diskusích i mezi veřejností, a proto je základní orientace v této oblasti užitečnou výbavou každého absolventa humanitních oborů. Předmět je interdisciplinární a budou se nám v něm prolínat různé pohledy: historické, filozofické, etické, sociální, kulturní a antropologické.
Důraz budeme klást na roli občanské společnosti a souvislosti s pravidly válčení. Zkusíme najít i odpovědi na kontroverzní otázky související například s autonomními zbraňovými systémy, roboty nebo s umělou inteligencí.
Předmět je doporučen nejen pro magisterské (důraz na občanskou společnost a občanský sektor), ale i pro bakalářské studenty (interdisciplinární přesah). Vstupní požadavky nejsou stanoveny.