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Public Speaking

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Course Description: The purpose of this course is to develop skills in public speaking and the use of rhetoric. From a practical perspective, the course aims to improve a student's speech capabilities in a variety of areas, including informing, analysing, debate, improvisation, and critical listening. More generally, the course's purpose is to boost the confidence of young learners, paying particular attention to their respective speech attributes, and helping them develop their stage presence and coherence of their argumentation. These are tools of great importance in today's increasingly media-driven world and serve to improve the professional opportunities of those who use them. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Understand different methods of speech delivery and how to use them

2. Analyse an audience and ascertain what type of speech delivery would best suit it

3. Draw an outline of a speech focusing on word choice, intonation, and flow

4. Deliver a written speech to an audience using a method of presentation from the course

5. Critically listen and identify the speech attributes of a selection of people

6. Understand the art of Greco-Roman rhetoric and its usage in the modern world Course Assessments: (NB: The majority of assignments are given in written and spoken forms)

1. Speech Analysis presentation (15%) – study in detail the form and method of a famous public speaker making reference to a particular speech

2. Informative speech (15%) – give a speech aiming to educate your audience in the details of a particular subject you are familiar with

3. Analytical speech (15%) – give a speech on a particular subject aiming not only to display your understanding of said subject but to raise potential questions opening the floor to discussion

4. Persuasive speech (15%) – give a speech aiming to convince your audience of a particular socio- political position

5. Improvised speech (10%) – give a speech whose subject will be unknown to you until 15 minutes before you walk on stage.

6. Class debate (10%) – students will be put into teams the week before and given a motion to either oppose or support. The debate will take place the following week and will be in an Oxford style with four speakers on each team.

7. Final presentation (essay) (20%) – Write a final essay looking into a particular area of speech delivery and rhetoric that most interests you. The essay will be submitted in hard copy, but also presented as a final speech to the class. (Essay length 2000 words.)