Hanák, Péter. 1999. The Garden And The Workshop: Essays On The Cultural History Of Vienna And Budapest. 2. printing, and 1. paperback printing. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, p. 3-32.> ACCESS VIA UNIVERSITY ONLINE RECOURCES (EBSCO HOST) ANASTASIIA ARLACHEVA
\r\n6.3. Architecture and city planing: Die Ringstraße and Vienna
\r\nSchorske, Carl E. 1981. Fin-De-Siècle Vienna: Politics And Culture. New York: Vintage Books, p. 24-62. THÉO BRUNET
\r\n13.3. City planing, hygiene and nationalism in Prague
\r\nGiustino, Cathleen M. 2003. Tearing Down Prague's Jewish Town: Ghetto Clearance And The Legacy Of Middle-Class Ethnic Politics Around 1900. Boulder: distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 1-14, 65-73, 74-88. ELISA CHAZAL
\r\n20.3. Urban festivities and nationalism in Prague
\r\nNolte, Claire. 2012. “Celebrating Slavic Prague: Festivals And The Urban Environment, 1891-1912”. Bohemia 52 (1): 37-54. ABIGAIL GRAY
\r\n27.3. Urban experiences (in Budapest)
\r\nGyáni, Gábor. 2004. Identity And Urban Experience--Fin-De-Siecle Budapest. New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 59-79. SWEIN BATICLE
\r\n3.4. Popular press and metropolitan identity (in Cracow)
\r\nWood, Nathaniel D. 2004. Becoming Metropolitan: Cracow's Popular Press And The Representation Of Modern Urban Life, 1900-1915. Indiana University, p. 51-57, 64-84. KRISTÝNA VACARDOVÁ
\r\n10.4. Moving between cities - technology and transportation (Bratislava/Pressburg/Poszóny)
\r\nJeschke, Felix. 2013. “Dracula On Rails: The Pressburgerbahn Between Imperial Space And National Body, 1867–1935”. Central Europe 10 (1): 1-17. MARIINA KUZMINA
\r\n17.4. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n24.4. Cities in war (Vienna)
\r\nHealy, Maureen. 2004. Vienna And The Fall Of The Habsburg Empire: Total War And Everyday Life In World War I. New York: Cambridge University Press, (pages to be specified). ADÉLA SYCHROVÁ
\r\n1.5. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n8.5. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n15.5. Essay writing and final discussion
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nIndividual sessions:
20.2. Introduction: Cities and urban culture in the Austro-Hungarian empire
27.2. Industrialization: Vienna and Budapest
Hanák, Péter. 1999. The Garden And The Workshop: Essays On The Cultural History Of Vienna And Budapest. 2. printing, and 1. paperback printing. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, p. 3-32.> ACCESS VIA UNIVERSITY ONLINE RECOURCES (EBSCO HOST) ANASTASIIA ARLACHEVA
\r\n6.3. Architecture and city planing: Die Ringstraße and Vienna
\r\nSchorske, Carl E. 1981. Fin-De-Siècle Vienna: Politics And Culture. New York: Vintage Books, p. 24-62. THÉO BRUNET
\r\n13.3. City planing, hygiene and nationalism in Prague
\r\nGiustino, Cathleen M. 2003. Tearing Down Prague's Jewish Town: Ghetto Clearance And The Legacy Of Middle-Class Ethnic Politics Around 1900. Boulder: distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 1-14, 65-73, 74-88. ELISA CHAZAL
\r\n20.3. Urban festivities and nationalism in Prague
\r\nNolte, Claire. 2012. “Celebrating Slavic Prague: Festivals And The Urban Environment, 1891-1912”. Bohemia 52 (1): 37-54. ABIGAIL GRAY
\r\n27.3. Urban experiences (in Budapest)
\r\nGyáni, Gábor. 2004. Identity And Urban Experience--Fin-De-Siecle Budapest. New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 59-79. SWEIN BATICLE
\r\n3.4. Popular press and metropolitan identity (in Cracow)
\r\nWood, Nathaniel D. 2004. Becoming Metropolitan: Cracow's Popular Press And The Representation Of Modern Urban Life, 1900-1915. Indiana University, p. 51-57, 64-84. KRISTÝNA VACARDOVÁ
\r\n10.4. Moving between cities - technology and transportation (Bratislava/Pressburg/Poszóny)
\r\nJeschke, Felix. 2013. “Dracula On Rails: The Pressburgerbahn Between Imperial Space And National Body, 1867–1935”. Central Europe 10 (1): 1-17. MARIINA KUZMINA
\r\n17.4. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n24.4. Cities in war (Vienna)
\r\nHealy, Maureen. 2004. Vienna And The Fall Of The Habsburg Empire: Total War And Everyday Life In World War I. New York: Cambridge University Press, (pages to be specified). ADÉLA SYCHROVÁ
\r\n1.5. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n8.5. class canceled due to state holiday
\r\n15.5. Essay writing and final discussion
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Individual sessions:20.2. Introduction: Cities and urban culture in the Austro-Hungarian empire 27.2. Industrialization: Vienna and Budapest
Hanák, Péter. 1999. The Garden And The Workshop: Essays On The Cultural History Of Vienna And Budapest. 2. printing, and 1. paperback printing. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, p. 3-32.> ACCESS VIA UNIVERSITY ONLINE RECOURCES (EBSCO HOST) ANASTASIIA ARLACHEVA 6.3. Architecture and city planing: Die Ringstraße and Vienna
Schorske, Carl E. 1981. Fin-De-Siècle Vienna: Politics And Culture. New York: Vintage Books, p. 24-62. THÉO BRUNET 13.3. City planing, hygiene and nationalism in Prague
Giustino, Cathleen M. 2003. Tearing Down Prague's Jewish Town: Ghetto Clearance And The Legacy Of Middle-Class Ethnic Politics Around 1900. Boulder: distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 1-14, 65-73, 74-88. ELISA CHAZAL 20.3. Urban festivities and nationalism in Prague
Nolte, Claire. 2012. “Celebrating Slavic Prague: Festivals And The Urban Environment, 1891-1912”. Bohemia 52 (1): 37-54. ABIGAIL GRAY 27.3. Urban experiences (in Budapest)
Gyáni, Gábor. 2004. Identity And Urban Experience--Fin-De-Siecle Budapest. New York: Distributed by Columbia University Press, p. 59-79. SWEIN BATICLE 3.4. Popular press and metropolitan identity (in Cracow)
Wood, Nathaniel D. 2004. Becoming Metropolitan: Cracow's Popular Press And The Representation Of Modern Urban Life, 1900-1915. Indiana University, p. 51-57, 64-84. KRISTÝNA VACARDOVÁ 10.4. Moving between cities - technology and transportation (Bratislava/Pressburg/Poszóny)
Jeschke, Felix. 2013. “Dracula On Rails: The Pressburgerbahn Between Imperial Space And National Body, 1867–1935”. Central Europe 10 (1): 1-17. MARIINA KUZMINA 17.4. class canceled due to state holiday 24.4. Cities in war (Vienna)
Healy, Maureen. 2004. Vienna And The Fall Of The Habsburg Empire: Total War And Everyday Life In World War I. New York: Cambridge University Press, (pages to be specified). ADÉLA SYCHROVÁ 1.5. class canceled due to state holiday 8.5. class canceled due to state holiday 15.5. Essay writing and final discussion
The seminar focuses on cities of the fin-de-siécle Austro-Hungarian empire from the perspective of the recent urban history. In the first part of the course, we will study the process of industrialization and the emergence of the metropolitan culture in different capitals and regional centers of the Habsburg monarchy, from the capitals of
Vienna and Budapest, to local urban centres such as Prague and Cracow. In the second part of the seminar, we will concentrate on particular aspects of the metropolitan culture and everyday life in the cities. Specifically we will study the production of urban spaces through different social and symbolical practices related to the social stratification of the Austro-Hungarian society, to the contemporary national movements and to the emergence of an international cosmopolitan culture in Europe. The seminar is offered for those interested in the urban history and in the history of the Central and Eastern Europe alike.