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Interactive Art I.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Blokový kurs v rozsahu 24 lekcí, založený na praktických etudách, odvozených z výtvarné tvorby, uvádí posluchače do uměleckých metod avantgardy a 60. let a jejich využití pro uvolnění vlastní (nejen výtvarné) tvořivosti.


Designed for students with no previous art training, this object and spatial art workshop provides students with the opportunity to explore their creativity. It aims both to develop the ability to understand the meaning of the creative process, and also to introduce the principles of its theoretical reflection.

Based on the practical indroduction of some visual arts techniques derived from twentieth-century modern art (ranging from Dada to Object Art), the course shows how the process of defining and interpreting signs is related to a personal experience at the conscious, as well as subconscious level.