* Hudební jednota Evropy ? Kulturní oblasti. * Skandinávie. * Britské ostrovy. * Západní Evropa (Francie, alpská oblast). * Pyrenejský poloostrov. * Itálie. * Balkán. * Střední Evropa. * Rusko. * Kavkaz. * Opakování. * Zápočtový test I. Literatura: Rice, T.; Porter, J.; Goertzen, Ch.: Europe.
New York, London 2000. Nettl, B.; Capwell, Ch. ; Bohlman, P. ; Wong, I. ; Turino, T.: Excursions in World Music.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1997; Turino, Thomas: Music as Social Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2008.
Slobin, Mark: Subcultural Sounds. Micromusics of the West.
Wesleyan University Press. 1993.
An introductory course to European oral music explaining its sound phenomena, social context and concepts, the aim of which is both to extend students' knowledge of various aspects of culture, and to approach the phenomenon of music from a new perspective.