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Ecology of Social Movement

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


Social movements represent significant social actors who participate in social change and co-shape history in various ways. In this course, we will introduce both the "outsider" view of social movements and the ways in which they can be studied, as well as the "insider" view, that is, from the perspective of participants in social movements. The basic thesis of the course is that it conceptualizes social movements as an "ecosystem" that is made up of different collective and individual actors who have different goals, strategies and tactics, and there are diverse relationships between them, all within a structural context.

The course is particularly suitable for students who are interested in politics, social activism and have some experience of various protests, NGOs, associations, political parties, if applicable, but it is not a prerequisite.

Active participation in class is required for attestation of the course, which is a combination of lectures and seminars.