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Histories of everyday life and their frames of contemporary cultural history research I.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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The history of the every day has become a fundamental cultural-historical concept, which has gradually become very important, relevant, and used in contemporary history. The subject aims to familiarize students with the development of the idea within the historiography of contemporary cultural history and will also try to outline the possibilities of practical use in researching the issues of contemporary history of the 20th and 21st centuries (the history of the everydayness of "elites" vs. "ordinary people," historical everydayness of selected subcultures,

"perception of the other," history of free time, the cultural history of mobilities, the history of everyday life in the era of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, or generationally defined everyday life, etc.). Familiarity with the sources and specific methods of studying these questions will also be essential. Using examples from the Czech environment, students will independently analyze selected segments from the everyday lives of selected historical actors.