* Povinná literatura:
Vzhledem k charakteru atestu povinná literatura není stanovena. Studneti budou soustavn ě recherchovat v zahraničních médiích k tématům, diskutovaným na semináři. K jejich historickému zázemíbudou poté také vyhledávat a referovat odbornou literaturu.
* Doporučená literatura:
Dušan Kováč - Michaela Marek - Jiří Pešek - Roman Prahl (edd.), Kultura jako nositel a oponent politických záměrů. Německo české a německo slovenské kulturní styky od poloviny 19. století do současnosti, Albis international Ústí nad Labem 2009.
Culture as an opponent, multiplier, and tool of both democratic and authoritarian or totalitarian politics is a firmly established theme in historiography, connected to the formation and defense of civil society. Contemporary Europe
(including Russia) shows the extraordinary topicality of this issue. At the same time, its paradigm and discursive field have been changing a lot in the last decade, including as a result of the transfer of several activities and discussions to the Internet or in a situation where the Internet remains (until shut down by the state) the last platform for free reference and discussion. At the same time, however, the Internet itself (again, in addition to several more traditional forms of cultural or culturally political presentation, including public performances) has become a field of variously polarized and articulated hatred, or the effort to silence or intimidate the "undesirable," in the broad sense of the word cultural concepts, activities, opinions, arguments. The seminar aims to shed light on this complicated situation of the current life of European culture in specific, as widely contextualized cases as possible.