* Osnova a instrukce: Blokový seminář probíhající ve 4 termínech:
24.11.2009 Út 17:00-18:30 Teoretický úvod do problematiky (Doc. RNDr. Jan Hendl, CSc.)
27.11.2009 Pá 13:00-15:00 How to do general or basic qualitative research (Dr. Donald Roberson) See instructions below
28.11.2009 So 10:00-12:00 a 13:00-15:00 How to do general or basic qualitative research (Dr. Donald Roberson) - pokračování Instructions:
1. Please read the attached document about Qualitative research
2. Please read the attached chapter 19 from Thomas, Nelson, Silverman book
3. Come to class with a proposal of some qualitative research you would like to make - have a purpose of the study - the research questions - and the methodology
4. Be prepared to conduct one interview between classes on Friday and Saturday based on this information
5. We will analyze the interviews on Saturday
28.5.2010 12:30-17:00 Čtení a psaní studií z kvalitativního výzkumu (Mgr. Magdaléna Šťovíčková Jantulová) * Základní literatura: ROBERSON, Donald. Qualitative research. Report.
2005. THOMAS,Jerry R., NELSON, Jack K., SILVERMAN, Stephen J. Research methods in physical activity. Champaign : Human Kinetics,
2005. Chapter 19, Qualitative research methods DISMAN, Miroslav. Jak se vyrábí sociologická znalost.
1. vyd. Praha : Karolinum,
2002. 374 s. ISBN 978-80-246-0139-7. SILVERMAN, David. Ako robiť kvalitatívny výskum : praktick á príručka.
1. vyd. Bratislava : Ikar,
2005. 327 s. ISBN 80-551-0904-4. STRAUSS, Anselm, CORBINOVÁ, Juliet M. Základy kvalitativního výzkumu : postupy a techniky metody zakotvené teorie.
1. vyd. Boskovice : Albert,
1999. 169 s. ISBN 80-85834-60-X. Biograf : časopis pro kvalitativní výzkum. Dostupný z WWW: . ISSN 1211-5770. HENDL, Jan., Kvalitativní výzkum: základní metody a aplikace. Praha: Portál, 2005, Předmluva, kapitoly 1-6, 12-13. COFFEY, Amanda, ATKINSON, Paul. Making sense of qualitative data : complementary research strategies. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications,
1996. 206 p. Kapitoly:
5. Writing and represenation;
6. Beyond the Data;
7. Complementary Strategies of Computer-Aided Analysis,
8. Coda KLVAČ, Pavel. Bažina a mokřad - dvě tváře divočiny. Biograf (2003), 30, 55 odst. * Doporučená literatura: BRYMAN, Alan. Social Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2004. 608 s. ISBN 978-0199264469
This seminar for doctoral students of environmental studies focuses on the key social research paradigms, methodological concepts, research difficulties. At the same time, it gives an overview of data collection techniques.
Attention is given to the differences between qualitative and quantitative research, and their potential complementary use. All concepts and techniques are illustrated by specific studies.
Students, thus, are introduced to research projects and research institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad.